With much prayer we have decided that it's time to open the doors of the church Sunday, May 31st for morning services.  This will be a great day of rejoicing as a church family and we desire to do all we can to protect this family.  Please read our detailed plan and safety guidelines below.

Doors open Sunday,  May 31st!

Service Times.  7:45 AM,   9:30 AM,   11:30 AM




Our Sunday services will resume May 31st with service times at 7:45 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM.  In addition, all services can still be viewed online at our normal times.  Please adhere to all directions given by staff from parking lot, seating and exiting.  We respectfully ask that you exit promptly after service. 


With the current social distancing requirements, we will be implementing ticketing to attend services which allows us to manage our service flow and size to keep within the appropriate distancing standards.  Although this is not an ideal or permanent solution, it is necessary for the current season and we thank you for your cooperation.  Tickets will be availabe at the link below or on the app every Friday for the following Sunday service.  


Orange County has recently removed the requirements for facemasks to be work in public.  Please follow your conscience in this matter.  Facemasks are invited but not required to attend servics.


As we come back together, we will need to exercise patience and respect an appropriately healthy distance between family groups in order to minimize the potential spread of any viruses.  We understand this may be difficult for some, but for the time being, we ask that you please refrain from physical contact with those outside your family group (including hugs and handshakes).  The church will be set-up for the recommended 6' distancing.


Your safety is of utmost importance to us.  Hand sanitizing stations will be available around the facility.  There will be a cleaning crew sanitizing the campus throughout the day.  A 6' social distance guideline will be implemented inside the sanctuary and outside on the patio.  Should either you or your children have any signs of illness, we ask that you please stay home.  


Children's Ministry will not be provided but children are welcome to join us in the sanctuary.  Children's Ministry lessons will still be provided on our YouTube Channel at CCT Calvary Kids (link below).  Children must be accompanied by a parent at all times, including trips to the restroom.  


Youth Ministry for 7th - 12th will be available on the grass.  Again, this area will also  be set up for 6' social distancing.   Please make sure to have your students read the guidelines as well so they are prepared for the new safety measures.